Energy Transition Forum Near Tours

Tuesday, 9 April 2024

We invite you to attend the first Energy Transition Forum in the Centre-Val de Loire region, taking place on Sunday, April 14, 2024, in Fondettes. This event aims to raise awareness and inform the public about thermal renovation of buildings and renewable energy sources.

The forum is organized by the “Société des Colibris de Fondettes” collective, which was formed within the Tours Métropole Val de Loire area following the LIFE_LETsGO4Climate “Dare to Transition” workshops.

The forum will welcome Local authorities, including the Centre-Val de Loire Region and Tours Métropole, along with their specialized energy transition organizations, Real estate diagnostics experts, Local and national associations working in the field of Renewable Energy (EnR) and Key stakeholders committed to sustainable energy solutions.

More information available on the Fondettes website : Fête des fleurs et des abeilles

Sunday, April 14, 2024, 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Espace Culturel de l’Aubrière – Salle Michel Petrucciani, Fondettes
Free entry