List of Citizen Collectives in LOT2Participants in the workshops ofList of Citizen Collectives in LOT2

Friday, 23 February 2024

At the end of the workshop cycle, citizens began to gather in small groups to develop concrete energy transition projects.

The workshops aimed to foster the emergence of collectives in the 6 territories, with the goal of generating energy transition projects in the Centre-Val de Loire region.

These workshops provided participants with useful information on energy, the energy transition, and existing local initiatives. They also met other local residents interested in getting involved by brainstorming in working groups on the following themes: reducing consumption for greater sobriety and producing local renewable energy.

Here is the list of citizen projects currently being developed in each territory:

If you would like more information about a collective or wish to join one of these collectives, please contact us here.

Châteauroux Métropole

Here are the 5 citizen project groups focusing on energy sobriety and renewable energy production that emerged from the citizen workshops:

PôleNom du groupe et objectif
Sustainability Mobility“One Day, A Car-Free City” / “Green Day” – A one-off event, likely to take place in September.
➔Multi-actor event for impact/sensitization.
➔Support for existing associations.
➔Debate on daily mobility.
Sustainability MutualizationA space for the mutualization of goods, services, and ideas, with a Repair Café option.
➔Proposing consumption alternatives to citizens.
➔Learning, conviviality, and knowledge-sharing: skill-building.
➔Resource center/Repair Café/Second-hand items/Equipment lending.
Sustainability HousingEcole’logement
An exhibition on bio-based materials for sustainable housing.
➔Educating citizens and professionals on housing alternatives.
Sustainability FoodExperimental open orchard.
➔Creating a shared orchard open to all, with an emphasis on learning.
➔Starting naturally.
➔Produce for better eating
Renewable Energy ProductionCollective focused on launching large-scale projects, particularly a 20 MW solar photovoltaic project (20 hectares on wasteland), in a model similar to the one executed in Bourges last year.
Participants in the workshops of Châteauroux Métropole.

Communauté de communes Ecueillé-Valencay

Here are the 5 citizen project groups focusing on energy sobriety and renewable energy production that emerged from the citizen workshops:

PôleGroup name and objective
Sustainability MobilityMobilités douces : savourons la ruralité
– Promoting soft mobility.
– First action: mapping local pathways for biking and walking.
Sustainability MutualizationRecycling Center
➔Located near the Valençay recycling center.
➔ Construction of a building powered by solar panels.
➔Quarterly Repair Café.
➔ Solidarity pricing.
➔ Creation of a reintegration job.
Sustainability Housing-Awareness/Information on Housing.
➔Raising awareness among social landlords about the urgency of insulating ➔the most dilapidated homes.
➔Informing property owners about new building techniques and improving old housing.
➔Contacting innovative companies (e.g., OB2).
➔Existing housing diagnostics (thermal camera).
Sustainability FoodLocal Producers Directory
➔Creating a directory for consumers listing sale days and times.
Renewable Energy Production:The EnR collective has met twice and is working on a charter of values and establishing an association.
Focus on education and knowledge transmission within the group.
Initial projects include individual photovoltaic self-consumption, energy storage, and larger-scale collective projects with local governments.
Participants in the workshops of Ecueillé-Valencay

Pays Vendômois

Here are the 2 citizen project groups focusing on energy sobriety and renewable energy production that emerged from the citizen workshops:

PôleGroup name and objective
Sustainability FoodCollective: “se nourrir”
➔ Food resilience, training for citizens and elected officials, with expert-led conferences
➔Minimizing plastic and ultra-processed products: information panels.
➔Creating social links through
➔Cooking workshops – focusing on bread
➔Recipe cards
➔Communicating on social food security and local currencies
Renewable Energy Production:The citizens interested in renewable energy production have joined the local “Energies Vendômoises” collective.
The collective is engaging in public meetings and will join the governance of the largest photovoltaic project in the Centre region, forming an energy community including SEM EnerCentre, Sidelc, Valdem, the community of communes of Perche and Haut Vendômois, and the commune of Lignières.
Participants in the workshops of Pays Vendômois

Communauté de communes Champagne Boischauts

Here are the 4 citizen project groups focusing on energy sobriety and renewable energy production that emerged from the citizen workshops:

PoleGroup name and objective
Sustainability Mutualization
LIFE Champagne Boischauts
Recycling Center/Repair Café.
Sustainability Food
L’écho du bocal
➔Creating a directory of local producers to connect them with consumers.
➔Proposing recipes using local products.
Sustainability HousingLes clés de la rénovation
➔ Energy renovation awareness day.
Multi-actor collaboration(ANAH, ADEME, ADIL, Région Centre, Energies partagés…)
➔”One-stop-shop” for renovation services.
Local directory and site visits.
Renewable Energy Production➔Group Buy of Plug and Play Solar Panels.
➔Public meeting on these solar panels.
➔Offering photovoltaic self-consumption installation to residents without injecting into the grid and promoting solar thermal energy
Participants in the workshops of Champagne Boischauts

PETR Beauce Gâtinais en Pithiverais

Here are the 2 citizen project groups focusing on energy sobriety and renewable energy production that emerged from the citizen workshops:

PoleGroup name and objective
Sustainability Food Collectif “se nourrir en Pithiverais”
1) Production
Make communal lands available to market gardeners for local production. This can be distributed in the form of baskets and directed to canteens.
Clearly identify (with a map?) existing food initiatives to align with them.
2) Shared Gardens
3) Meeting Place
➔ A production project with local and organic values + social connection.
Renewable Energy ProductionThe group is motivated by their first collective photovoltaic project and is currently consolidating the group and creating an association. (Next meeting scheduled for March 20 in Pithiviers).
Participants in the workshops of PETR Beauce Gatinais en Pithiverais

Touraine-Est Vallées

Here are the 4 citizen project groups focusing on energy sobriety and renewable energy production that emerged from the citizen workshops:

PoleGroup name and objective
Sustainability Food
“Partages et Nourritures” – Creation of an AMAP (Association for the Maintenance of Peasant Agriculture) in Montlouis-sur-Loire.
Sustainability Mutualization“Troc évènementiel”
Inspired by the “Transition Brenne” event in Reugny, they plan to organize a similar event in Montlouis.
Sustainability MobilityDéfi “L’école, j’y vais à vélo !”
Expanding the event across the territory, inspired by last year’s success in Tours and Monnaie.
Next event on May 27.
Renewable Energy ProductionTwo collectives
one in the south (Montlouis) and one in the north (Reugny-Monnaie), are organizing a film screening on April 4, 2024, to officially launch their collective renewable energy projects
Participants in the workshops of de Touraine-Est Vallées