Launch of the training program “Basic Knowledge on the Energy Transition” in the first pilot territories
March 2022 marks the launch of the European LIFE_LETsGO4Climate project initiative in the first six pilot territories, which are also project partners :
- The Communauté d’Agglomération de Blois Agglopolys (41),
- The Communauté d’Agglomération Bourges Plus (18),
- The Communauté de Communes Loches Sud Touraine (37),
- The Pôle d’Équilibre Territorial et Rural (PETR) Pays Loire Beauce (45),
- The Pôle d’Équilibre Territorial et Rural (PETR) Gâtinais montargois (45),
- The Métropole of Tours, Tours Métropole Val de Loire (37).
The first phase takes the form of training sessions in each territory on the theme of energy transition, aimed at key local stakeholders. From March 7 to April 7, 2022, elected officials, local government agents, members of associations, and business representatives—each actively involved in their region—are coming together to discuss energy transition and energy efficiency.
These training sessions, led by the project team from the Regional Council, ADEME, Énergie Partagée, GRDF, and ENEDIS, cover key topics such as energy, renewable energy, energy efficiency, and citizen engagement at the local level. These themes are at the heart of the LIFE_LETsGO4Climate approach!
With around twenty participants per session and two sessions per territory, this initiative is set to foster a dynamic momentum around the LIFE_LETsGO4Climate project.
Better Understanding Energy Transition Issues, This is the goal of the training sessions recently offered to elected officials, local government agents, and associations in various territories. What did they think of it?Find out in images with feedback from the Communauté de Communes Loches Sud Touraine and Energie Partagée.
A look back at the training sessions in images :