Our history
The European project LIFE_LETsGO4Climate brings together twelves beneficiaries (territories and partners) which are committeed to the climate with the following aim : to accelerate the energy transition on the regional territories by making renewable energy projects more attractive and accessible through the energy transition citizen appropriation process. In the line of the regional COP, this project has two purposes: to deploy energy sobriety projects and to create “energy communities”, i.e. collectives carrying out renewable energy production projects with citizens.
Cutting GHG emissions from energy at regional and local levels with the European project LIFE_LETsGO4Climate
The European project LIFE_LETsGO4Climate, winner of the call for proposal LIFE programme, aims to accelarate the production of renewable energy and to reduce collective and individual energy consumption, by creating citizen collectives which promote the production of renewable energy. . The team will also encourage behavioural changes linked to energy consumption by raising citizens’ awareness of energy efficiency and ‘energy sobriety’. As a result, GHG emissions from energy should fall by almost 2%.
The main objective of the LETsGO4Climate project is to accelerate the production of renewable energy and behavioural changes related to energy consumption, by addressing the above-mentioned obstacles and lack of knowledge. To this end, a methodology developed by the Centre-Val de Loire region (“citizen appropriation of the energy transition”) will be implemented in 18 territories within a common regional governance scheme, aiming to fulfil 5 specific objectives:
- Decentralized the governance of the energy at the territories level and develop synergies between energy’s actors including the citizens
- Empower the local collectivises and the territorial animators
- Reinforce the use of renewable energies for electricity and for thermal energy in the territories
- Decrease the collective and individual energetic consumption
- Develop and promote decision making tools for the local collectivises and the economic stakeholders
Then, twelve experimentation territories will be selected and integrated to the process in addition to the six associated beneficiaries’ territories. At the scale of each territory, a complete diagnostic will inventory the initiatives and strategies, the renewable energy potential and the resource people to facilitate the implementation of projects.
In particular, the project LIFE_ETsGO4Climate meets 2 specific objectives : to raise awareness among the territories and the citizens on subjects linked to the energy transition and to focus on the appropriation of the tools and good practices developed in the project in eighteen territories of the Cetre-Val de Loire regional Counil by the citizens and the local actors.
The project will contribute towards meeting the EU’s climate and energy transition goals defined in the European Green Deal and the 2030 Climate target plan , as well as implementation of the EU Renewable Energy Directive.