Review of the Temporary giveaway in Montlouis-sur-Loire – “Around Christmas”

Monday, 27 January 2025

The temporary giveaway in Montlouis-sur-Loire, which we first introduced last April, organized a second collection—this time with a Christmas theme (decorations, gift wrap, artificial trees, etc.). Toys and games were not included, as other local associations were already leading similar initiatives.

The collection took place from November 12 to 15, 2024, in local shops, early childhood centers of the Touraine Est Vallée Community, the media library, the intercommunal music school, Au Conciliabulle (a bookstore café, in partnership with the association “La P’tite Brosse”), and the Montlouis-sur-Loire socio-cultural center.

In total, 21 kg of decorations were collected, 12 kg were distributed during the donation day on November 16.The remaining items have been stored for the 2025 edition.