Focus on the 4 workshops dedicated to energy transition
As a citizen of your territory, this means you will participate in four workshops. During this cycle of citizen workshops, you will collectively imagine actions for more sustainable energy consumption and production.
Each workshop will last 2.5 hours. Workshops 1, 2, and 4 will take place in a meeting room on a weekday evening. Workshop 3 will take place on Saturday morning, both in a meeting room and on-site, with several visits to locations.
Workshop 1: “Our Territory”
Workshop 1 will primarily be an opportunity for you to meet and get to know the other participants. We will introduce you to the approach behind this series of workshops, the challenges it addresses, and the opportunities it may offer to you.
A large part of the workshop will be dedicated to group discussions on the concept of energy transition and the initiatives already existing locally to contribute to this transition.
This workshop serves as a stepping stone for the rest of the process. It will allow you to share an assessment and start thinking together about the solutions that exist to change our energy consumption patterns.
At the end of this first workshop, you will be asked to position yourselves according to your preference between the two themes: “energy sobriety” and “renewable energy production.”
Workshop 2: “From Assessment to Action”
In this second workshop, groups of reflection will be organized around each of these themes. Their purpose is first to map out what can be acted upon as a group of citizens… Then, prioritize the actions based on what the groups see as most relevant and realistic, but also and especially those they are most eager to engage with. The actions considered as priorities will be revisited during Workshop 4.
Workshop 3: “The Transition in Practice”
This workshop will give you the opportunity to discover concrete examples of actions contributing to the energy transition, through testimonials from existing citizen collectives on the territory and from experts.
For those who chose “renewable energy production,” the day will start in the meeting room with presentations from experts such as GRDF, ENEDIS, and the association Energie Partagée, followed by a visit to a production site. Depending on the territories, the sites may include: geothermal energy, photovoltaic, methanization, or wood heating systems.
For those who chose “energy sobriety,” the day will start with two testimonials from citizen collectives, associations, or groups who will share their experiences with participants on projects they have completed: creating a resource center, a tool library, a community garden, a bike bus, etc. The morning will continue with a site visit.
Participants can choose their program and switch groups at any time.
Workshop 4: “Our Transition”
During this workshop, the priority actions for energy transition that emerged from Workshop 2 will be the subject of further collective reflection.
In groups, you will be invited to imagine the concrete implementation of one of these actions: what intention, what support is needed, and what are the next steps and meetings?
Each participant will be free to get involved in the group of their choice, depending on the action that motivates and inspires them the most. The strength of this cycle of workshops is that it is just a first step towards the realization of true collective actions, resulting from your reflection.
Parental consent form to be completed and signed for minors’ participation in the workshops:
Printable parental consent form
Digital parental consent form